Must-Read Python Books: Your Guide to the Top 10 Essential Resources

Python is a versatile and popular programming language that is widely used in various domains, from web development to data analysis. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer looking to expand your Python skills, having the right resources can greatly enhance your learning journey. In this blog post, you’ll get to know the top … Read more

What’s the Zen of Python? And What’s the Anti-Zen of Python?

The Zen of Python is a set of guiding principles for writing computer programs in the Python language. Authored by Tim Peters, these principles emphasize simplicity, readability, and the importance of explicitness over implicitness. The Zen of Python can be accessed directly in Python by typing import this in the Python interpreter. Here are some … Read more

What is Programming Index? What’s the Popular Programming Language

People are increasingly drawn to and curious about coding. However, selecting the right programming language can be challenging due to the scattered or limited information available. To simplify the decision-making process, it’s helpful to understand “The Programming Index.” This index can help you assess whether your programming skills are up-to-date with the current market trends. … Read more

Python IDLE, Shell and Command Prompt [Walk-through]

Python IDLE – Integrated Development & Learning Environment Python IDLE – It is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for python, packaged as an optional part of the python packaging. IDLE is completely written in  python and the Tkinter GUI toolkit (wrapper functions for Tcl/Tk). IDLE is intended to be simple IDE and suitable for beginners, especially in the education environment where … Read more

Python: Object-Oriented Programming Language [OOPs]

Python OOP Concepts In this article, we will explore the Python OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) concepts. OOP stands for Object-Oriented Programming, and it is defined by various concepts such as objects, classes, methods, etc. Another type of programming paradigm is Procedural-Oriented Programming (POP). You may have heard that many experts began their careers with the C … Read more

Python – Getting Started…

Python is easy to use, powerful, and versatile, making it a great choice for beginners. The readability of python code makes it great first programming language. It allows you to more concentrate on your logic instead of mysterious syntax like any other language as syntax is very simple and user friendly. Python is a multi-paradigm, Object-oriented and structured … Read more

How to Download and Install Python Anaconda on Windows! (Quick Guide)

If you are python geek and looking for great experience distribution platform to write your first/complicated python code, then you are at right place. In this tutorial we are going through how you could set up/ download and install anaconda python on windows. This guide also enables you to set up anaconda on your MacOS or Linux system. Firstly, … Read more

Step 1: Write Your First Python Program!

We have run through all the necessary set up to take first but small step in python programming to write first python program in Python Anaconda – Jupyter Notebook. If you still do not have python anaconda installed on your machine, then follow these quick steps to download & install in no time. I love python Jupyter Notebook interface … Read more

What is Python? And why is it the most loved programming language?

What is Python? Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and versatility. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Python is designed to emphasize code readability and reduce the cost of program maintenance. It uses an easy-to-understand syntax that allows developers to write clear and logical code … Read more