SuperPutty : How to Change the Font Size and Background Colour

There are tons of tools available to make a terminal connection to Linux server. The SuperPutty is one of them which is widely used by IT Administrator experts.

It’s more like Putty session but it comes with more user-friendly and wide options which help you to work more effectively.

What is SuperPuTTY?

SuperPutty is a Windows application used for the PuTTY SSH Client.

It gives you functionality to create new different terminals and can be available as tab (similar like our browser tabs) unlikely normal putty creates separate window for each terminal.

The common problems we are facing with the SuperPutty sessions are to set up font sizebackground colour. You might have tried to adjust the font or background colour but it only last for that particular session.


If you connect to new sessions that adjustment and settings disappears and I know how it is frustrating!

If you are also dealing with the same problems which I had previously then follow the exact process explain below. You’ll not have this problem anymore. 

Let me walk you through how you could configure your SuperPutty to have your favorite text font and colour.

Configure Your SuperPuTTY

1. Launch Your SuperPutty

2. Right click on session and create new PuTTY session

Configure SuperPutty settings to change text fond size and colour

3. Right click on session and select “Change Settings”

How To change Text font and colour in SuperPutty settings

4. In Putty Configuration: Go to Window >> Appearance to adjust the FONT Size.

change text font size and color in suprputty

5. In Putty Configuration: Go the Window >> Colour to adjust the background COLOUR.

change text color in suprtputty


6. Save all these changes permanently in “default session”

That’s it!!

When you create new session in SuperPutty it takes all these modified setting to open/save new putty sessions going forward.

PS. These settings are might not work for existing saved connection. You need to first do this settings and then add fresh connection details to save for future logon.

Try above suggested SuperPuTTY Settings to set your suprtPutty environment once for all.