Python Data Types, Variable, and Values (With Examples)

In Python, data types, variables, and values are essential elements of any code. They allow you to store, manipulate, and interact with data effectively. Python Variables When defining variables in Python, there are some important rules to follow: Variable names must be at least one character long. The first character must be an alphabetic letter … Read more

Python Function Arguments (With Examples)

In Python, you can define a generic function that accepts arguments or parameters to perform specific tasks. Similarly, built-in functions also require arguments to function properly. For example, you’ve seen the print() function, where a string like “Hello World” is passed as an argument to display that message. Function Arguments When defining and calling functions, … Read more

Python Functions: How To Define and Call Functions in Python

Python Functions In Python programming, a function is a named block of code designed to perform a specific task. Functions help organize and reuse code efficiently. You define a function in Python using the def keyword. Essentially, a function acts as a reusable package of code that can be called whenever needed in your program. … Read more

Python: try, except and finally (Exception Handling)

An exception in Python occurs when a runtime error happens, even if the code logic is correct. These situations, known as exceptions, can cause the program to terminate unless properly handled. Python provides a mechanism for handling such errors using the try, except, else, and finally blocks. try: Contains code that might raise an exception. … Read more

Python Raise Keyword – Raise an Exception in Python

Python Raise Keyword In Python, you can manually raise exceptions using the raise keyword. While Python automatically raises built-in exceptions when something goes wrong, there are times when you may want to trigger an exception yourself. Why Use raise? The raise keyword allows you to generate exceptions at specific points in your code. This is … Read more

Python Exception and Errors

In Python, there are many built-in exceptions that the interpreter raises whenever an unusual situation occurs in the program. While errors and exceptions may seem similar, they function differently. Python Errors Errors occur when there is a problem with the code itself, such as syntax issues. When an error happens, the program stops running, and … Read more

Python break, continue, pass: Loop Control/Jumping Statements

Loop Control Statements in Python In addition to common control statements like if-else, while loops, and for loops, Python includes special loop control statements that offer more control over program execution. These are: break continue pass Each of these statements has unique features that allow you to control the flow of your program in ways … Read more

Python For Loop & While Loop Control Flow Statements

In this article, we will discuss loop control flow statements in Python, which function similarly to those in other programming languages like C, C++, and Java. Loops are essential when you need to execute the same block of code multiple times to achieve the desired result. In Python, you can control this repetitive execution with … Read more

Python IF/ELSE & Nested IF-ELSE Control Flow Statements

In this article, we will explore the Python if-else control flow statements, which are quite similar to those in other programming languages like C, C++, and Java. By default, a program executes its instructions sequentially. However, to achieve the desired output, you often need to control the flow of execution. This is where control flow … Read more

Python Interactive and Script Mode Programming

Python offers two primary modes for executing code: Python Interactive Mode and Python Script Mode. Both modes ultimately produce the same results, but they cater to different programming needs and come with their own sets of exceptions and limitations. Running Python Code Whether using Interactive Mode or Script Mode, the Python interpreter functions similarly to … Read more