What is the difference between SAS and SaaS (SAS vs SaaS)?

SAS or SaaS, usually people pronounce it as  “SAAS” but these are extremely two different things.Abbreviations are a common thing in the IT industry or in general in the tech world hence the confusion especially when you’re new to the IT industry. SAS is a Statistical Analysis System whereas SaaS means Software As A Service. … Read more

Comparison between SAS, R, and Python

Today’s rapidly changing and competitive world it is important to understand hot and trending technologies. In the analytics and data science field, the more commonly discussed topic is the difference between SAS, R, and Python. Which one is the best and why? As demand for data analysis is growing rapidly, the demand for data analysts … Read more

What is SAS?

SAS stands for the  “Statistical Analysis Software“, a statistical software suite used for data management, advanced analytics, multivariate analysis, business intelligence, and predictive analytics. Though “SAS” abbreviation is used for many different industries and referred to as many different things. It’s hard to understand when someone just says “SAS” without any context. SAS can be … Read more