How to Rename SAS Datasets (In #3 Simple Ways)

Changing the dataset names or creating backup of existing data sets are kind of basic tasks you do as a developer. It’s often used when you do investigation on finding data errors or making changes in the existing solutions. SAS has different ways to rename the variables and its labels but here in this article … Read more

How to Rename All Datasets in SAS? (Add Prefix/Suffix to dataset names)

In this article we have seen 3 different ways to rename a sas dataset but they aren’t efficient when it comes to bulk renaming SAS Data sets.  Here you’ll learn how you can rename all the SAS datasets from a library ones for all without creating multiple copies of datasets. It means without making data … Read more

PROC MEANS in SAS (The Ultimate Guide)

The PROC MEANS procedure summarises data in descriptive statistics for variables across all the observations as well as within the groups of observations.  You can compute statistics like calculating mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values, and many more statistical calculations. For example, PROC MEANS does the following: calculates descriptive statistics estimates quantiles, which includes … Read more

SAS: How to check if a sub-string is present on a char variable in SAS?

This is a very common use case where we need to write code to check if a substring is present on a character variable in SAS. That substring can be a character string, a character, or any special character. Depending on the outcomes you can perform your specific operations.  You can achieve this by using … Read more

The FIND Function in SAS (FIND v/s FINDC v/s FINDW)

The FIND function in SAS searches for a specific substring in a given string or character variable and returns the position of its first occurrence.  The FIND function is mostly used where any specific character, keyword, or phrase you want to identify, and/or extract. It is especially helpful when you read raw, scattered, and long … Read more

The Index Function in SAS (INDEX v/s INDEXC v/s INDEXW)

The index function searches the specified string, from left to right in the given string and returns the position of the first character in the string. If there are multiple occurrences of a specified string, the index function returns the first position of the first occurrence and ignores the rest of the occurrences.  The index … Read more

SAS: How to Convert Character Date to Numeric Date in SAS

In this article we have already seen how you can convert char variable to numeric and numeric variable to character variable. When it comes to DATE in SAS, it’s a bit different because SAS has its own date format and informats. You can use the INPUT() function to convert a character date to a numeric … Read more