SAS Arrays: How To Create And Use An Array (With Examples)

What Are SAS Arrays? In SAS, an array is a convenient way of temporarily identifying a group of variables. It’s not a data structure, and the array name is not a variable. An ARRAY statement defines an array. An array reference uses an array element in a program statement. All variables that are associated with … Read more

How To Use LIKE Operator In SAS (With Examples)

LIKE Operator In SAS The LIKE operator selects observations by comparing the values of a character variable to a specified pattern, which is referred to as pattern matching. The LIKE operator is case sensitive. There are two special characters available for specifying a pattern: 1. percent sign (%) It specifies that any number of characters … Read more

How To Use WHERE Statement In SAS (Explained With Examples)

The WHERE statement can be used to filter out or subsetting the data based on specific conditions. It specifies specific conditions to use to select observations from a SAS dataset. Using the WHERE statement might improve the efficiency of your SAS programs because SAS is not required to read all observations from the input data … Read more

PROC APPEND In SAS (With Examples)

The PROC APPEND procedure can be used to append observations from one dataset to the end of another SAS dataset. It kind of stacks the datasets one after another. The APPEND procedure functions the same as the APPEND statement in the PROC DATASETS procedure. The only difference between the APPEND procedure and the APPEND statement … Read more

5 Ways To Combining and Appending SAS Datasets

There are multiple methods that can be used to combine or append two or more datasets in SAS. In this article you’ll learn 5 simple ways to combine and append SAS datasets as follows. Appending Or Concatenating Two Datasets Vertically – Stacking The Datasets Appending Or Concatenating Stacked Sorted Data Values PROC APPEND To Concatenate … Read more

How To Check SAS LOCALE Language Code (Handle Multilingual SAS Data)

There might be scenarios where you’re dealing with data from multiple languages. If you are working with a multinational client but their entire system uses the English language then you don’t need to worry about SAS Env LOCAL language.  But if you have data sources coming from different countries and data prepared in their own … Read more

How To Change Encoding (WLATIN1 to UTF-8) In SAS

SAS reads and writes external files using the current session encoding. SAS assumes that the external file has the same encoding as the session encoding. But sometimes you get some weird characters because of the encoding mismatch of the systems.  UTF-8 is part of the Unicode coded character set. UTF-8 is the preferred and most-used … Read more

PROC DATASETS In SAS [ #7 Use Cases With Examples]

The PROC DATASETS procedure is used to manage SAS datasets. With this procedure, you can list, change, append, and repair datasets and create and maintain indexes. The DATASETS procedure is a utility procedure that manages your SAS datasets. With PROC DATASETS, you can do the following: copy SAS datasets from one SAS library to another … Read more

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Use SAS Viya With SingleStore For Data Dominance

The strategic partnership between SAS and SingleStore gave the new edge to the modern, cloud-based analytical technology. SAS has dominated data analytics for many decades and it continues to do so by partnering with the key cloud technology leaders such as Microsoft Azure and SingleStore (formerly MemSQL). What is SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) ? SAS … Read more

How To Print All The Datasets From A SAS Library

The PROC PRINT procedure is usually used to view dataset observations in SAS. You need to specify the dataset name with data=option in the proc print procedure. Here is a simple example of how to print a dataset in SAS.  Basic Syntax: proc print data=data-set-name;run; Here is the sample example to print sashelp.class dataset. /* … Read more