What is Programming Index? What’s the Popular Programming Language

People are increasingly drawn to and curious about coding. However, selecting the right programming language can be challenging due to the scattered or limited information available. To simplify the decision-making process, it’s helpful to understand “The Programming Index.” This index can help you assess whether your programming skills are up-to-date with the current market trends. … Read more

Why CASL, a language so important in SAS Viya?

SAS programmers often struggle to understand the full potential of CASL programming for data analytics, making many unsure about what it can do. In this article, we will demystify CASL and explain its importance in SAS Viya. First, let’s understand the basics of CAS and CASL in SAS Viya. What is CAS (Cloud Analytic Services)? … Read more

BASE SAS v/s CASL: A Simple Comparison

This article helps you understand the differences between BASE SAS and CASL (Cloud Analytic Services Language), so you can choose the best tool for your specific analytical needs and infrastructure. It highlights the strengths and capabilities of both, guiding you to the best solution for various analytical challenges and business goals. Why CASL is so … Read more


In this article you’ll learn hidden gems about DICTIONARY Tables In SAS. There are tons of useful use cases which many sas programmers aren’t aware of. This article exposes various aspects of DICTIONARY tables with detailed explanation. What Is a DICTIONARY Table In SAS? A DICTIONARY table is a read-only SAS view that contains information … Read more

SAS Data Set – Explained In 5 Minutes

In this article you’ll learn “everything” about the SAS Data sets in less than 5 minutes. You’ll also learn parts of the SAS Data set: data portion, descriptor portion, built-in data sets, special data sets, and SAS views. What Is SAS Data Set? A SAS data set is a SAS file stored in a SAS … Read more

SAS Formats

The SAS formats are a type of SAS language element that applies a pattern to or executes instructions for a data value to be displayed or written as output.  Types of SAS formats: numeric, character, date, time, or timestamp.  The ability to create user-defined formats is also supported. The examples of SAS formats are BINARY, … Read more

How To Use Do-Loop In SAS Arrays

We have already seen the multiple examples of SAS arrays declaration and in depth article on SAS Do loop. In this article we will demonstrate how to use the Do loop in SAS array.  Do Loop In SAS In this method SAS executes statements between the DO and END statements repetitively, based on the value … Read more

SAS Do Loop, Do While and Do Until (Complete Guide With Examples)

What Is SAS Loop? A loop in SAS is a programming construct that is used to repeat a set of instructions for a specific number of times or until a certain condition is met. There are three basic types of loops in SAS: DO Loop: This loop performs a certain number of iterations. For example, … Read more

SAS: Append Values From Multiple Columns Into One Column (Reverse Transpose)

You can append values from the multiple columns into one column in SAS. It’s also called reverse transposing the dataset. You are appending values by merging columns into one column against one unique variable. The following sample dataset will be used to demonstrate how to append values from multiple columns into one column (reverse transposing … Read more